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Our mission is to build lives through God’s Word, prayer, love & support. Formed in 1997 and established in June 2000 by Bishop Jonathan and Olutoyin Owhe in Brooklyn, New York, USA, World Restoration Center has grown to over a thousand members with churches in the United States, Asia, Africa and South America. Since its inception, World Restoration Center has set out to implement holistic ministry to address the spiritual, mental, emotional, physical and financial needs of adults, youth, children and families, including the unsaved and undeserved population in the inner cities and neighborhoods.

Our emphasis is preaching and teaching God’s Word with POWER.

Among our ministries emphasis includes: building strong families and marriages, delivering the oppressed, giving hope to the helpless, supporting to the weak, feeding the poor and protecting the welfare of the child.


To these causes, we are committed.



(The following Christ the Rock Ministry Vision was given by God for the direction of World Restoration Center. We confess this vision at every service, so we are all speaking the same thing. 1st Corinthians 1:10)


Father, in the name of Jesus, we come into Your presence, thanking You for World Restoration Center. We are a supernatural church, composed of supernatural people, doing supernatural things, reaching our city, the nation and the world for Jesus Christ. You have called us to be saints in Brooklyn and around the world. We thank You that we all speak the same thing; there is no division among us.  We are perfectly joined together in the same mind. As we lift our voice in one accord, we recognize that everything was made by and for You. Grant unto us, who are Your representatives here, that we might speak Your Word with boldness and that You will confirm Your Word with signs following.

We thank You that, in our fellowship, we have workmen in abundance, in all manner of cunning men, for every manner of work. The ministry of help is in operation in this church. We have in our fellowship apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers for the edifying of this body, till we all come to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a mature person. None of our people will be children tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine. We speak the truth in love. We are a growing witnessing body of believers, 50 million strong. We have every need met. We speak health and prosperity for all of our fellowship. We meet the needs of the people who come: spiritually, mentally, physically and financially. We ask the wisdom of God in meeting these needs.

We thank You for our school and new church building. We call into being those things that are not as though they were. We thank You for our children’s ministry which is growing. We thank You for sending more workers for our children. Our fellowship is prospering, financially, and we have more than enough to meet every situation. We have everything we need to carry out Your Great Commission. We are a people of love. Love is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost. We speak the Word and we thank You, that the Word is living BIG in all of us. We thank You for Your presence among us. We lift up holy hands and praise Your name!



At World Restoration Center, we believe that God has uniquely qualified and placed us on earth at this time, to be a catalyst for change, agents of His love and ministers of His resources. We believe in using our God given talents, gifts and abilities for the common good and to work collectively in addressing issues of spiritual, social, physical and economic relevance. 

Among the many pioneering efforts of World Restoration Center are:

  • Comprehensive Youth & Mentoring Program with a Day Care and After School, Physical Fitness / Dance, Entrepreneurship/TV, Music/Drama & Cultural Enrichment Programming.


  • World Restoration Center Bible Institute in Joint Relationship with the Oral Roberts University Faith in Action & Heath Services a volunteer care program, funded by Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to help the elderly, frail and home-bound become independent.


  • Infant Mortality & Pre-maturity Reduction Initiative, funded by New York City Department of Health and Coalition Partner-Brooklyn Prenatal Network & March of Dimes


  • HIV/AIDS Outreach & Education, Funded by New York City Council and Black Leadership Commission on AIDS, we are working in partnership with several Coalition Partners;


  • Child & Adult Health Insurance, working in Partnership with major HMO’s, the Major’s Office and Health Plus;


  • Physical Fitness Program (dance & aerobic classes) Seed money by New York State Association of Country Health Officials, and currently supported by World Restoration Center.


  • Food Bank Outreach Center; serves as a resource center for Food Bank; we provide food referrals to individuals in need of services.


  • United Way of NYC/Federation of Protestant Welfare Agency. Provide food pantry to over 50 families weekly in East New York section of Brooklyn


  • ACCESS NYC. Provide free computer access resources of over 30 city, state and federal services to community residents.

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